Category Archives: Los Angeles


Jun 6, 2016

For the past two years, I’ve been infatuated, obsessed, with comedy.  It’s my new creative baby.  A fresh form of expression to explore.

There was a time, years ago, when the only comedy I cared to engage with was indie comics.  Eightball, Hate, Flaming Carrot, Angry Youth Comics.  The usual suspects.  Although my friends were all deeply funny people, and my favorite things to draw made me laugh, I never thought of comedy as a genre that had meaning.  Comedy was annoying and sad.  Sitcoms, canned laughter, bad fart jokes, stale and desperate attempts for attention.

Then I got to know a few stand-ups.  I stumbled into some ridiculously good improv.  My eyes opened to the worlds of storytelling, long-form improv, stand-up, and even clown.  (I love my clown classes.)  It’s through the comedy community that I’ve met the women featured in this new series, called Maker Mantras.

Maker Mantras are simply individual creative philosophies.  Kara Haupt, the very cool founder, editor, and creative force behind online magazine Babe Vibes, was rad and published my Maker Mantra illustrations in the Babe Vibes “Work” issue.

Super thanks to Kara & all the funny, excellent women who shared their Maker Mantras with the world, and brought their energy to these gifs:

  • Anousha Hutton
  • Lucé Tomlin-Brenner
  • Natalie Taylor
  • Ruha Taslimi
  • Amrita Dhaliwal
  • Jade Law
  • Vivian Martinez
  • Anna Salinas

May you be fantastic forever.

suzy mae


Amrita Dhaliwal is an actor and comedian. Her work has spanned multiple areas, from theatre to film to clown.  Want more of this Idiot?


Anna Salinas is a comedian and writer based in LA who likes cats (but doesn’t have one). She’s one half of the all-female sketch comedy duo, John Baxter; you can find their sketches on Youtube or at their biweekly comedy show, The Pickle Hour. Anna also publishes a daily webcomic, Badcomixbyanna, which is fun to make (but if you don’t like it, don’t tell her).


When Anousha Hutton’s not shooting photography, she is devoted to writing her TV show “Fletcher” with writing partner Davin Wood. In addition to “Fletcher,” Anousha is churning out tons of comedy sketches and short films in her Winnebago style house.


Jade Law is a comedic actress who loves sci-fi, live-streaming LoL & Starcraft, and the inevitable rise of the robot empire.


Lucé Tomlin-Brenner is a LA based comedian and improviser at the Upright Citizens Brigade. Her life is a whirlwind of comedy, as she hosts two monthly improv shows, produces sketch and storytelling shows, and edits the comedy zine “HiJinks.”


Natalie Taylor is a comedian who loves showing women how to be bold, fearless and confident through creative self expression when rocking a head wrap! It is your birthright, Queens, so #GetRoyal.


Ruha Taslimi is an artist. She is proud to currently be performing with her Upright Citizens Brigade improv team, Moon Hundred.


Vivian Martinez is a native LA comedian, but enjoys many art forms, including storytelling and photography. Recently, she won iO West’s Funny Women’s Fest Stand up Competition; awarding Martinez a monthly show. You can also catch her at The Callback, her weekly open mic in Highland Park at the Hi Hat.


Suzy Mae (me) created the Maker Mantra series and illustrations.


Mutant Taco: zine release

Dec 12, 2015

I’ve been busy writing an animated series, Mutant Taco.  It’s about less-than-motivated mutants working at a futuristic fast-food restaurant.  Basic premise, right?

mutant taco suzy mae inlay

I’ve been lucky enough to have a multitude of talented co-conspirators at my side for this one.  At a recent Mutant Taco reading/ zine release, eight excellent actors brought the characters to life.  Held at Art Share in downtown LA, the reading brought out friends new and old.

mutant taco suzy mae zine copy

The Mutant Taco Work Mutations Guide made its fancy debut as well.  Printed with love in LA by risograph masters Tiny Splendor, you can snag a copy here.

mutant taco suzy mae zine2 copy

Scriptd hosted the whole shebang– you can read the pilot episode of Mutant Taco on their script-sharing platform, and discover a grip of other plays, TV shows, and features.

Special thanks to:

Narrator Nigel Tierney                                                      

Jemerica Lucé Tomlin-Brenner                 

Trake Shawn McClellan                            

Crag Aric Amendolea                                    

Frank + Krob Brian Frisk                                                 

Chazzeroti Peter Stoia                                                

Sepulveda Anna Salinas                                                     

Tendra + Kristell Kelly Chambers   

Plus Denise Hewett and Thuc Doan Nguyen!