Category Archives: Los Angeles

Only OK in LA

Jun 6, 2015

Do You Know What LA People Are Like? It’s been five years since I landed in LA, land of the waxed and tanned.  Coming from Portland, Oregon, warnings and scoldings were plentiful.

“Do you know what people are like in Los Angeles?”

“Have you actually ever been to LA?”

“Don’t let it change you.”

Laughing off these Northwest admonitions, I arrived in my new city, ready to take the streets by storm.  (Insert sarcastic snicker here.)  I found work quickly, connected with friends old and new, and gradually, it happened.  Things began coming out of my mouth I could not deny as true nor fully comprehend.

Meet you After Tanning

“You seem a little drunk.  Be careful driving home.”

“I have meetings at eleven and two. Can you do a lunch at Katsuya?”

“I don’t want to be late.  I’ll give myself an extra hour in traffic.”

Yes, I had transformed into an LA Person.  My hair turned blonde, my nails seemed to grow a layer of bling, and I couldn’t spend less that $100 on any piece of clothing.

Therapist or Trainer

Just as Portland had turned my skeptical Chicago self into a yoga-posing, organic-eating, mixologist foodie, Los Angeles had turned me into a celebrity-knowing, meetings-taking supertan consultant in high heels. I’m not ashamed of my transition.  Like sea creatures evolve to flourish in their environments, I mutated appropriately for the SoCal scene.

No Thanks I'm Juicing

But this change had to be documented.  The comparisons between Los Angeles and everywhere else needed to be logged.

Down the Block, I'll Drive

So I started the Only OK in LA series.  A collection of drawings and captions printed as postcards, these missives are meant to be sent from LA zipcodes to cities across the globe.  My Twitter feed keeps it real-time.

I Don't Date Actresses

The series struck a nerve.  People wanted prints!

Only OK Postcards

So I’m selling packs of 14 postcards for only $5 each. The entire series is currently on display at the Clubhouse’s Comedy In Art show (located on Vermont and Hollywood).  Each postcard is 5.5 x 8” and printed in black and white.

Only Ok in LA Postcard Set

You’ll get a free @OnlyOKinLA sticker with your order, and the satisfaction of knowing you’re one of us.  An LA person. Welcome to the fold, baby.  Let’s lunch soon.

Having A Blast In LA



Feb 2, 2015

I figured out Zine Fest.

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Earlier I was there, working through the crowds, trying to trade my comics for comics.  Comics are good currency at Zine Fests.

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Todd of Razorcake found out about Sandy the zine and asked us to represent in the “Old School, New School” panel.  Naturally, yes.  This is him at Razorcake HQ.

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Zine Fest was held in HOMENETMEN, a big athletic center.  Busy, yes, it was very, very busy.  Over three thousand people were expected to arrive.  It felt like three thousand.  Parking… parking shall never be spoken of again.

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Sandy was being sold at the Women’s Center For Creative Work table, bless them.

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The panel was brilliant.  We talked about the benefits of paper zines versus blogs & vice versa.  For Amanda Lee McCarty and I, Sandy’s physical benefits outweigh the digital.  We like having a tangible piece of media that can be held in your hands.   Taken with you on vacation.  Sexing up your coffee table.  Instagram and all the other social portals have their own value.  But Sandy’s content is meant to last longer and mean more than a single blog post.

Zine Fest- Suzy Mae- Sandy the Zine-2 copySUZYMAE

Edit!  Razorcake/Gorsky press just released the podcast of our conversations.

It’s accessible here:  LA Zine Fest 2015 “Old School, New School” Panel Discussion

Let’s hear it for #LYFT

Oct 10, 2013

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It’s been a difficult time for typing. One hand is broken, in a cast. A boring accident. So I’ve avoided the written word, neglecting my blog.

Lyft win-suzymae_2 copy

But I have great news. We did it! We, as in the citizens of LA who support legalization of ridesharing, won the local battle. As a major metropolis, this sets a precedent for other cities grappling with new legislation.

I’ve been a major supporter of Lyft since April, when Gala Darling recommended it during a Blogcademy event. I blogged about it.  I went to their community events. I ended up in their marketing materials, and as the face of their #WhyILyft promotion. It’s so gratifying to feel like these small gestures that meant something to me had a part in changing the future of Los Angeles.


The LA Times article on the approval of new ridesharing rules describes this development in detail – and notice my quick cameo in the article.

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The day they called to interview me, I was dealing with a newly applied cast, ultra frustrated, and in a lot of pain. But that quick interview, coupled with style/social media superstar Luna Lovebad shouting me out on the street and Instagram that morning, served as emotional morphine.

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It’s not every day our efforts are recognized. When they are, it’s a reminder that persistence and grit pay off in the end.  Live, learn, and keep at it.  Congrats, LYFT!
